Springsteen & The Movies

..ce ne sono alcuni, in effetti

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    The guiding principle of a Springsteen show is to deliver salvation and hope through song...

    Somewhere around Milano

    ..in questi giorni su LOHAD forum si è evidenziata una notizia di un paio di mesi fa, che in effetti avevamo già letto sulla ML grazie alla solita "brava giornalista" Castile54, ma poi dimenticato (nessuno ha visto il film credo)

    Da:: "castile54"
    Data:: Lun Set 12, 2005 5:17 pm
    Oggetto:: Ogg: Lo sapevate che John Turturro? castile54

    Allora ste, ti dico, la fonte è questa:

    mentre il pezzo non lo dice. Anch'io mi sono fatta la stessa domanda.
    forse cercando in rete...

    --- In [email protected], "Stefano" ha
    > la fonte dell'intervista e il titolo della canzone di bruce
    > Mi è sfuggita?
    > > --- In [email protected], "castile54" ha
    > scritto:
    > >Il cinema e il boss

    Kate Winslet, Susan Sarandon, James Gandolfini, Mandy Moore, Steve
    Buscemi sono tra gli attori protagonisti di Romance & Cigarettes,
    terzo film da regista di John Turturro dopo Mac e Illuminata,
    entrambi presentati a Cannes.
    Un film divertente ed estremamente intelligente che Turturro dice
    essere frutto del suo amore per Bruce Springsteen e in cui ha
    preferito non lavorare anche come attore.

    Questo film è completamente diverso dai due precedenti...
    E deve esserlo. A me piace fare cose completamente diverse tra loro.

    Qual è stata la sua genesi?
    Molto lunga. Già durante le riprese di Barton Fink avevo scritto
    alcune sue parti, poi durante Illuminata mi è venuta l'idea di
    un'altra serie di sequenze, poi - ancora - ho lavorato ad altre
    scene fino ad arrivare alla sceneggiatura completa.

    Questo film è - in parte un musical - è un genere che ama?
    Sì, assolutamente. Anche se preferisco i vecchi musical ai nuovi.
    Non ce ne è uno che io ami in particolare. Se Romance & Cigarettes è
    un musical, si può dire che riguardi le persone normali prese
    all'interno di un contesto urbano. Personalmente amo molto la
    musica. Mi ci sono voluti due anni per ottenere i diritti di tutte
    le canzoni presenti nel film e non avrei potuto permettermele se
    Bruce Springsteen non si fosse offerto di darci gratis la sua
    canzone. Non è tra le mie preferite del Boss che io amo più di ogni
    altro cantante, ma era perfetta per il film. In più - dopo di lui -
    tutti ci hanno ceduto gratuitamente i diritti

    Le coreografie sono state un problema?
    No, perché io da sempre amo molto ballare: tip tap, jazz...è
    qualcosa che mi piace molto fare.

    Bruce Springsteen è del Nerw Jersey dove il suo film è ambientato...
    Direi che i protagonisti del film sono le stesse persone di cui
    Bruce canta le storie. E' un po' la medesima ambientazione urbana
    che Springsteen usa per le sue storie

    Il film è pieno di attori italo - americani...
    Tutti interpreti di grande carattere che erano perfetti per questa
    storia. E' stata una sorta di coincidenza...

    ....poichè un po' di domande erano rimaste in sospeso (quale canzone e quando usciva il film), e dopo la Mostra del Cinema di Veneziai non se ne è più sentito niente, ho messo alcune cose "in più su LOAHD ed ora le metto anche qui a vostro/nostro beneficio.
    Se nel frattempo qualcuno l'avesse visto o sa di più.... dite!!!!:


    - l'articolo di Supereva era di Settembre, in concomitanza con Venezia 2005
    - Mi sa quindi che "ufficialmente" sia già uscito, anche se magari nessuno l'ha voluto distribuire in Italia (da verificare, magari lo tengono nel cassetto per Natale?)
    - Non si nominava nell'intervista (mi sembra) quale fosse "la" canzone di Bruce (Red Headed Woman), che comunque è solo "una" delle canzoni della colonna sonora, mista (Dalila di Tom Jones, Red Headed Woman di Bruce Springsteen e It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World di James Brown, più Janis Joplin, Nick Cave, Dusty Springfield, Cindy Lauper, Irving Berlin, Connie Francis, Engelbert Humperdinck etc. )
    - Ispirazione/ambientazione New Jersey e personaggi di Springsteen certamente nell'intervista, quindi "idea", ma mi sa che finisce lì (il film è ambientato poi nel Queens, quartiere di NYC)

    In USA è uscito in Agosto, come solito per i lanci, qui la locandina in due versioni:

    user posted image

    user posted image


    US RELEASE DATE: August 19, 2005 (imdb.com)
    it will open in 6 theatres August 19th
    Ctnow.com lists it as opening September 23, 2005

    Italy: 23 September 2005
    Netherlands: 6 October 2005
    Spain: 7 October 2005
    Mexico: 21 October 2005
    Argentina: 1 December 2005

    Will be screened at the Stockholm Film Festival November 11-21, 2005

    Romance and Cigarettes will be screened at the 2005 Toronto Film Festival (from Green St. Films)

    Romance and Cigarettes will be competing for the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival
    August 31 - September 10, 2005.

    Edited by LittleStevenMilano - 28/11/2005, 12:14

    The guiding principle of a Springsteen show is to deliver salvation and hope through song...

    Somewhere around Milano

    ..a parte quelli già "noti" che magari possiamo riprendere, dove Bruce c'entra anche se solo per il colletto (tipo l'apparizione cameo in HIGH FIDELITY etc), questo segnalato da Pierpaolo su Bruce.it è un film di Scott Brooks... perlomeno il titolo LIKE A SPRNGSTEEN SONG è "related"...:


    La trama....:

    Funny thing, the story for Like a Springsteen Song came to me in a dream. Many years ago an old childhood friend showed up in this dream. There was a lot to it but basically she told me all of this weird stuff and at some point we were flying over New York City together. I was actually watching a play of it in the dream. I don’t generally dream all these things then bother people about them all morning; in fact, I rarely remember dreams at all. I sat down the next day and began to write the play the way I remembered it.

    So it really took shape thanks to this acting class I was a part of and a really cool chick named Alex Brady. Every week I would show up at this class with a new scene and Alex and I would act it out. We became the little “to be continued…” of the class and everyone couldn’t wait to find out if George and Sara would end up together.

    At the time the character wasn’t named Sara; she was named after my actual childhood friend. I looked her up as the play was going into production. She was glad to see her old pal Scott. Like in the story we lost touch in high school. You should have seen the look on her face when I pulled out a play about her. But she read it and really liked it and respectfully asked that her name be changed, and so it went. As rewrites progressed, less and less of the “real” Sara remained. I am happy to report in fact that she is happily married, still an artist and sings in a rock band.
    She is still cooler than me.

    The play was a success although budget did not allow us to run for very long. Sondra Weimar and Joe Hickey played George and Sara and they were both superb. The play features several scenes that show the characters right before high school. For the film we scrapped all of those scenes thinking maybe someday if someone was interested enough, we would cast kids and go ahead and shoot them. The spirit of the “kid scenes” is still everywhere in the film, but I miss them. || click here for reviews of the stage play ||

    So adding new characters and locations and everything as well as changing the ending- or at least revising how and why this story is unfolding- changed and the surreal quality of the whole thing allowed us visual freedom that got us off the stage and out in to the ether.

    When George and Sara meet on the street they are both almost catatonic with boredom and misery. But we all have autopilot and niceties prevail. It is George who seems to snap out of it first and challenges her to actually “call up” after they exchange numbers. Sara and George realize slowly, that where they left off- where “LIFE” begins, they have begun to lose themselves to that slow thing that erodes away so many people.

    If, as they say, people are mirrors Sara and George suddenly see themselves again for the first time in each other.

    Imagine being as happy and optimistic as you were as a kid.
    Imagine letting go of the handlebars.
    Imagine twelve-year old you sitting there on a bar stool looking back at you and saying, “How have you been?”

    George and Sara also soon realize the inevitable – they are lonely in different ways, but have always been perfect for each other. If they start over together or apart is almost a secondary issue to the fact that they must in fact, pack up and start all over again if they are ever going to get to that place where they really want to go - and walk in the sun.
    \\Scott Brooks


    The guiding principle of a Springsteen show is to deliver salvation and hope through song...

    Somewhere around Milano


    ..segnalato da "Laser" su greasylake, questa riguarda in generale la "giornata internazionale della pace" dichiarata dall 'ONU per il prossimo 21 settembre.. e, guarda un po', un qualcosina (non meglio identificata) che riguarda Springsteen:

    The International Day of Peace
    - September 06, 2006

    Beginning 2002, the UN General Assembly set 21 September as the now permanent date for the International Day of Peace.
    The International Day of Peace, established by a UN resolution in 1981, provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of Peace on a shared date. For the first time, The International Day of Peace will be brought to Pittsfield, MA, beginning with Mayor James Ruberto joining 622 mayors across the globe with the “Mayors For Peace” initiative requesting their respective municipalities to engage in a minute of silence.

    The mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki began this international campaign in the eighties to promote world peace on local community levels. This will happen at 12 noon at Knesset Israel, 16 Colt Road, Pittsfield, MA., 413-445-4872 (More Info On Peace Day Below).

    At 1pm, following a lunch at Knesset Israel, three short films produced and directed by Fidel Moreno, will be screened with a discussion to follow. The films are, “We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For”, a short film produced for Bruce Springsteen with a strong anti-war message and a Hopi Prayer statement. “All My Relations-Sacred Mandela” and “This Land Is My Land”, Blood, Bone and All will be presented. “All My Relations” was a project produced for National Geographic on the connectedness of all life on Planet Earth and “This Land is My Land” was commissioned by the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, DC, and is a powerful musical narrative combined with early 1900 circa Edward Curtis Photographs and contemporary film footage of First Nations People and Aboriginal Cultures from North America, South and Central America, Africa and Asia.
    Also at 12, noon, there will be a "PEACE SHUFFLE" (slippers optional) held in Great Barrington, MA led bymusician extraordinaire and long time Berkshire resident Rick Tiven. The "PEACE SHUFFLE" will be slow, short, deliberate and heartfelt, and be comprised of one loop around Railroad Street to Maple Street to Main Street and back to the start of Railroad Street. After that the public is invited, free of charge, to the Town Park Gazebo-Bandstand on Castle Street for an afternoon of fine musicians, poets, rappers and spoken-word artists.

    At 7pm on Thursday, September 21, the International Day of Peace, at the Methodist Church, 55 Fern Street in Pittsfield, Healing Winds is excited to present, “Visions of Hope, Voices of Peace” featuring well known Berkshire musicians performing a FREE, COMMUNITY, Peace & Prayer Concert focusing on World Peace & Harmony. The musicians are Mark Kelso, Carol Emmanel, Rick Tiven, Robby Baier, Shirley Edgerton-Gospel Trio, Rasmoon, The Apostle, LindaWorster, Juan Basilio Sanchez, Joanne Spies, Jeb Colwell, Adam Rothberg, Sonya Sadoway, Kri Blowsie, and The Berkshire Highlanders.

    The concert will begin with a moment of silence, an interfaith prayer and meditation, followed by songs dedicated towards peace, harmony, love, hope and joy. Enjoy folk, jazz, rock, blues, reggae, flamenco, gospel, rap, classical, bluegrass, and Scottish Highland Bagpipes, all celebrating the spirit of world peace. ADMISSION IS FREE. From 6pm – 7pm there will be a Peace Networks and Related Organizations Reception at the Methodist Church.

    Interviews with musicians are available. For more information please call 413-553-0736 or email [email protected].

    Background of the annual International Day of Peace

    The International Day of Peace, established by a United Nations resolution in 1981 to coincide with the opening of the General Assembly, was first celebrated on the third Tuesday of September 1982. Beginning 2002, the UN General Assembly set 21 September as the now permanent date for the International Day of Peace.

    In establishing the International Day of Peace, the United Nations General Assembly decided that it would be appropriate “to devote a specific time to concentrate the efforts of the United Nations and its Member States, as well as of the whole of mankind, to promoting the ideals of peace and to giving positive evidence of their commitment to peace in all viable ways… (The International Day of Peace) should be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”

    The Assembly’s resolution declared that the International Day of Peace “will serve as a reminder to all peoples that our Organization, with all its limitations, is a living instrument in the service of peace and should serve all of us here within the Organization as a constantly pealing bell reminding us that our permanent commitment, above all interests or differences of any kind, is to peace. May this Peace Day indeed be a day of peace.”[Quotes excerpted from the United Nations General Assembly Resolution UN/A/RES/36/67]

    [Quote from the UN Resolution UN/A/RES/55/282 which amends the date of the International Day of Peace to 21 September]:

    “The Assembly, reaffirming the contribution that the observance and celebration of the International Day of Peace make in strengthening the ideals of peace and alleviating tensions and causes of conflict, (decided that) beginning with the fifty-seventh session, the Day should be observed on 21 September each year, with this date to be brought to the attention of all people for the celebration and observance of peace.”

  4. thepromise

    User deleted

    "Everyone's A Kid At Christmas" - Stevie Wonder

    "That's How I Knew This Story Would Break My Heart" - Aimee Mann

    "Parents Just Don't Understand" - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince

    "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" - George Jones

    "Worlds They Rise and Fall" - The Incredible String Band

    "Landslide" (LIVE) - Fleetwood Mac

    "My City of Ruins" - Bruce Springsteen

    "High" - The Cure

    "Let My Love Open The Door (E.Cola Mix)" - Peter Townshend

    "Jersey Girl" - Bruce Springsteen

    "Wandering" - Ben Folds

    "Let's Stay Together" - Al Green

    Attached Image

  5. thepromise

    User deleted

    Nella seconda scena di "Lupo Solitario"(Indian Running) di Sean Penn,il padre del ragazzo ucciso dallo sceriffo,viene portato fuori dal commissariato a forza perchè inveisce conto l'ufficiale,mentre viene trascinato fuori,come in preda a un raptus di follia,si mette a canticchiare John Henry!

    The guiding principle of a Springsteen show is to deliver salvation and hope through song...

    Somewhere around Milano

    ..segnalato su BTX da Laser, un film in uscita (LUCKY YOU) con nuovo brano di Dylan e due Bruce pezzi ....:

    da billboard

    New Dylan track appears on movie soundtrack
    Fri Jan 12, 2007 8:08pm ET

    NEW YORK (Billboard) - The soundtrack to the upcoming poker-themed flick "Lucky You" will boast a new Bob Dylan track called "Huck's Theme."

    Other tunes include the Kris Kristofferson original "They Ain't Got 'Em All," and Bruce Springsteen's "The Fever" and "Lucky Town," the latter of which is heard during the title sequence and the movie's trailer.

    "The Fever" may be unfamiliar to casual fans. The soul ballad was recorded in 1973 and was frequently played live during the "Darkness on the Edge of Town" tour in 1978. But a studio version was omitted from the 1998 Springsteen retrospective "Tracks," prompting groans from the Boss' avid listeners. The song was finally issued a few months later on "18 Tracks," a single-disc version of the boxed set.

    The "Lucky You" soundtrack is due March 6 via Columbia, and will reach theaters 10 days later. The soundtrack also features tracks from Ryan Adams, George Jones, Shawn Colvin, Bonnie Raitt and the film's co-star, Drew Barrymore, who plays an aspiring singer.

    qui il link al trailer, segnalato sempre su BTX da StrangerInBlack907 :B): :

  7. Hely

    User deleted

    c'è un film in ciu ad uno viene tutto d'un tratto stravolta la vita, sa ricco e scapolo si ritrova con moglie, due bambini e un cane, vicino di casa di genete che neanche conosce. e tutto questo gli succede dopo aver sventato una rapina in un negozio fatta per mano di un ragazzo di colore.
    ad un certo punto viene invitato a casa dei vicini e si vede chiaramente un poster di Bruce con braccio alzato, fascia nei capelli e chitarra a tracolla 8probabile Born In The USA)... purtroppo non ricordo il titolo del film, sorry...
  8. leah

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (Hely @ 14/1/2007, 18:28)
    c'è un film in ciu ad uno viene tutto d'un tratto stravolta la vita, sa ricco e scapolo si ritrova con moglie, due bambini e un cane, vicino di casa di genete che neanche conosce. e tutto questo gli succede dopo aver sventato una rapina in un negozio fatta per mano di un ragazzo di colore.
    ad un certo punto viene invitato a casa dei vicini e si vede chiaramente un poster di Bruce con braccio alzato, fascia nei capelli e chitarra a tracolla 8probabile Born In The USA)... purtroppo non ricordo il titolo del film, sorry...

    dalla trama sembrerebbe FAMILY MAN ma non è del periodo born in the usa, non ti ricordi se il protagonista è nicholas cage? nel caso è proprio family man. ma di quel film ho rimosso tutto. :blink:
  9. zaxxon72

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (leah @ 14/1/2007, 18:57)
    dalla trama sembrerebbe FAMILY MAN ma non è del periodo born in the usa, non ti ricordi se il protagonista è nicholas cage? nel caso è proprio family man. ma di quel film ho rimosso tutto. :blink:

    Perchè hai rimosso tutto??? :huh:

    Comunque anche a casa mia c'è un poster del Born In The U.S.A. Tour, ma non siamo nel 1985 (purtroppo!).
    Questa sembra più una risposta alla LSM.... :P

    image image image
  10. leah

    User deleted

    uè zaxx ma che fai provochi? risposta alla steve...non dev'essere unita la carboneria?!
    intendevo dire (non sapendo se hely ed io parlavamo dello stesso film) che è un film più recente rispetto al poster, giusto per capire di quale pellicola si tratta, per aggiungere indizi.
    in realtà alcune cose di family man me le ricordo ma cerco di rimuovere il più possibile perché non l'ho amato molto, diciamo che cage secondo me è sopravvalutato come attore e soprattutto certi suoi film non mi piacciono.
    altri sì, ho adorato cuore selvaggio, stregata dalla luna e face off per esempio.

    esaustiva la risposta? sempre alla steve?
  11. zaxxon72

    User deleted

    Ok, Leah, sei perdonata...
  12. Hely

    User deleted

    si è the family man il film adesso che l'hai detto mi è venuto in mente. comunque non intendevo born in the usa periodo del film ma periodo dell'immagine riprodotta nel poster che si vede. si il film anche secondo m enon era un granche, però è solo un parere personale ^^
  13. jersey87

    User deleted

    Daltrey, Vedder capture the sound of one man's grief
    By Glenn Whipp, Film Writer
    Article Last Updated: 03/16/2007 04:54:14 PM PDT

    Given that "Reign Over Me" is named after a Who song, a song that filmmaker Mike Binder played incessantly (along with the rest of "Quadrophenia") while writing the screenplay, it isn't surprising that music plays a huge part in the movie's story.
    Adam Sandler's withdrawn widower roams the streets of Manhattan throughout the film, headphones clamped to his head, his iPod shuffling through a playlist wholly devoted to songs he loved before he met the wife and daughters he would eventually lose on 9/11.

    The playlist features Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, the Pretenders, two key tracks from Bruce Springsteen's landmark 1980 "The River" album and, of course, "Reign O'er Me," which lost the Gallic "O'er" in the movie's title after Sony Pictures marketers tested it and found nobody knew what it meant.

    "It's all music that came before," Sandler says, "music he didn't share with his family."

    A few years ago, Binder spent a summer working with Who lead singer Roger Daltrey on a screenplay about the band's ill-fated, party-loving drummer Keith Moon. They couldn't agree on an approach and parted, but Daltrey did read — and liked — Binder's first draft of "Reign Over Me."

    Cut to last summer, and Binder is trying
    to convince Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder (a friend of Sandler's) to cover "Reign O'er Me" for the movie's end credits. Vedder resists, offering to write an original song instead.
    "He didn't want to sing it because he felt like there was no way he could sing it as good as Roger," Binder says. "And I said, 'Well, I happen to know Roger, and I'm sure he'd be happy with it. If you want, I could get to him.'

    "And as soon as I said it, I thought, 'Why did you open your big mouth? How are you going to get hold of Roger Daltrey?' He's an elusive guy. I didn't even know if he'd return my calls."

    Binder never had to place the call — causea week later, whenhe was walking along Manhattan's Sixth Avenue near the Essex House and ran into Daltrey completely by chance. Daltrey called Vedder, and the results can be heard over the film's closing credits.

    "That song is a real Roger Daltrey signature singing song, this incredible mixture of joy and pain," Binder says. "Someone told me that (Who guitarist) Pete Townshend said that no matter how much they fight, whenever Roger sings that song, he remembers how much he loves him."


    movie: Two former college roommates Charlie Fineman and Alan Johnson run into each other years later and rekindle their friendship. Charlie, who recently lost his wife and children(9/11), has retreated from his life, while Alan is overwhelmed by his family and professional responsibilities. Their chance meeting becomes a lifeline for Charlie and Alan, both of whom are in need of a trusted friend at this pivotal moment in their lives.

    Also Known As: Empty City
    Reign O'er Me

    Production Status: In Production/Awaiting Release

    Genres: Drama

    Running Time: 2 hrs. 8 min.

    Release Date: March 23rd, 2007 (wide)

    MPAA Rating: R for language and some sexual references.

    Distributors: Sony Pictures Releasing

    Production Co.: Sunlight Productions, Relativity Media, Mr. Madison

    Studios: Columbia Pictures

    Filming Locations: Los Angeles, California, USA
    New York, New York, USA

    Produced in: United States

    Edited by LittleStevenMilano - 21/3/2007, 14:11

    The guiding principle of a Springsteen show is to deliver salvation and hope through song...

    Somewhere around Milano

    ..non dice QUALI due pezzi da THE RIVER, si vedrà.... graie mille per la segnalazione, era sfuggita ;)
  15. jersey87

    User deleted

    sinceramente ho letto l'articolo sul corriere di oggi 21/3/2007, prima pagina di Spettacoli
53 replies since 28/11/2005, 12:12   1522 views